Nowland Lawyers - Newcastle Criminal lawyers

Practice Areas


Criminal Law

Our principal solicitor has over ten years criminal law experience having worked as a senior NSW Prosecutor, a senior solicitor with the Legal Aid Commission of NSW and in the private sector across greater Sydney, Newcastle and the Hunter. Experienced in all areas of criminal law and holding commendations from the bench, and colleagues for being a “high calibre criminal lawyer” our principal, alongside our team are best placed to assist you with your legal matter.

Newcastle Wills and probate documents

Wills & Probate

At Nowland Lawyers we place emphasis on “peace of mind.”   Life is meant to be ever-changing and as we go through the seasons of our life its important to ensure we have the peace of mind that whatever life may throw at us, our affairs are in order.

For the majority, estate planning involves the preparation of your Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian.  At Nowland Lawyers we offer this as a package service for a fixed fee.



In the current climate of the COVID 19 pandemic, many businesses and individuals find themselves facing financial difficulties and needing legal assistance.  We have seen a significant increase in the area of debt recovery as well as client’s needing assistance to discharge their debts through facilitating payment plans. We offer a wide-range debt recovery & commercial litigation services.

Our team is on hand to assist you and your business.


Dispute Resolution & Mediation

It is all too common for people encountering the legal or Court system to feel disempowered and voiceless.  At Nowland Lawyers, we understand the importance of having your voice heard, position understood and interests accurately represented in advancement of a meaningful resolution.



Our agency work is offered at a fixed fee, with reduced rates offered for days where we have multiple matters listed before the same Court. Taking pride in our professionalism and reputation, our approach to agency work is done to the same high standard and preparedness as our retained matters. To this end, we request instructions be received no later than close of business the preceding day.  



Following the lead of our principal solicitor, Nowland Lawyers undertakes pro-bono work for select members of community. Unfortunately, we can only take on a limited number of pro-bono matters per year. It is for this reasons we only offer this service to a select few.

We also offer legal tutoring, mentoring & supervised practical legal training in support of the upcoming members of the legal profession.